Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Overview of "7 [+2 or 3] Lecturers on Globalization & the Arts"

Wednesday February 24 will witness one of the most original discussions of globalization ... well, ever. As part of IndyTalks, Big Car is organizing an event unlike any other. Ten prominent members of the Indianapolis arts community will come together to present their points of view on the subject of Indianapolis arts and globalization. (The original plan was to have seven speakers, but there are way more than seven local artists and desigers with important things to say, so the numbers have grown.) What this already interesting presentation even more so is that the featured speakers will be talking at the same time. Each Members in the audience will have the ability to control each presenter’s volume and “listen in” on their preferred snippets.

Seven Ten Nine Simultaneous Lectures
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m. Free
Local cultural experts will simultaneously present short lectures with powerpoint on the topic of art and culture in Indianapolis and its role in the global scheme of things. Yes, these lecturers (in two groups of five) will present at the same time. These two rounds will be followed by a moderated discussion/conversation with the panelists and the audience. This is part of the IndyTalks series and is the first of Big Car's Made for Each Other events this winter and spring at Central Library in partnership with IMCPL and Know No Stranger.

Says Big Car's Jim Walker: "Overall, this project relates to Big Car's love of spontaneity, improvisation, audience involvement, collaboration, experimentation — and experiencing the joy that comes from creating a big, stressful mess and finding the happy accidents that can only come from that mess."

All Talking at Once!

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